
Magic Spells

What is Magic Spell Addon MCPE?

Magic Spells MCPE is an addon designed to add flavor to your survival in Minecraft. It lets you use magic spells to attack your enemies, increasing your chances of defeating them.

The resource was developed to eliminate boredom when completing missions in survival mode. For example, players can launch fireballs, control time, and summon loyal minions.

These powers give the players the ability to switch from the normal and use magical powers to conquer other territories fast. This way, you can expect a thrilling experience with Magic Spell Minecraft Addon.

Special Features of Magic Spells MOD Download

Leveling Up and Magic System

Players can use Manamote to level up their gameplay. This item is crucial since it act as the currency to unlock various features of Magic Spells mod download.

Magic Spells addon

Crafting Spells

Magic Spells Addon download lets player craft up to 15 spells. These spells require the player to collect unique materials which further enhances the game’s crafting mechanics, as well as strictly following recipes for creation.

Key Spells and Their Effects

  • Enderblight Spell. This spell creates an area that cause substantial amounts of damage to enemies every second.
  • Fireball Spell. Enables one to throw fireballs at the opponents inflicting fire attribute and establishing fury on any combustible material nearby.
  • Gravity Vortex Spell. Produced force is capable of influencing the mobs and items and pulls them towards the center of the vortex.
  • Iceblast Spell. Gets enemy chilled and can freeze water in battle to form ice formation.
  • Illuminate Spell. Creates a secondary light source that as in the dark area and helps to push off aggressive mobs as they spawn during the night.
  • Lightning Strike Spell. This spell calls down bolt of lightning to the targeted point, Lower damage against mobs and destructions at the spot.

Magic Spells mcpe

  • Mineburst Spell. Magic Spells new Minecraft allows for an explosion that harms structures and mobs and is shaped like a tube of TNT but of magical creation.
  • Polymorph Spell. Reduces the main threats into mobs, non-lethal threats that preserve the intent of hunting, but not the threat of hurting them.
  • Push Spell. Used to apply force against mobs or objects, to move the player out of the way. This can be handy when sheering off a crowd or in those regions that has a lot of people moving around.
  • Return Spell. Pulldown casts a circle where everybody standing in gets teleported to the spawn point, use as an emergency button and the work around for the amass spell it was intended to be.
  • Spawn Minion Spell. Magic Spells download brings subordinates like zombies or skeletons that help the player in a fight and can also come in useful during levels.
  • Whirlwind Spell. Fulfills a cyclone that can then pick up mobs and items, so it becomes nearly impossible for the foes to encroach the supporter figure.

Time Control Spells

The Magic Spells Minecraft also includes spells that make time manipulation possible such as time stop or slowing down time. What these spells can do is really boost in capabilities, such as allowing a character to advance or retreat time as needed in a particular situation.

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