
Horror Survival

Details about Horror Survival Addon?

Horror Survival download is an addon which was developed by Mythicus to add horror aspect to the Minecraft world. Exactly as the title suggests, the addon’s concept is to infuse life into the game by incorporating jump scare and spooky atmosphere, which demands creativity as players try to survive by getting creative throughout the game.

Do you want to try for a spine chilling fun of survival? Horror Survival addon Minecraft PE is what you need.

Detailed Features of Horror Survival Mod Addon

  1. New Monsters & Mobs

While the original Minecraft had some mobs and a few scare moments, continuously using them can lead to familiarity and dull the excitement. The Horror Survival Minecraft is the perfect way to add new mobs and monsters to your favorite game while keeping your heart rate up.

Horror Survival addon mcpe

New mobs to expect to appear in your Horror survival addon download world at night include; Abomination, Abyssal bat, Abyssal Wretch, Scarecrow, Brood Mother, Shadow Lurk, Nether Screech and more.

  1. Custom Items and Armor Sets

The Horror Survival Addon MCPE includes 15+ new and power items as well as 7 new armor sets, each bringing in unique attributes that will further make your game exciting. Players can create these items using the crafting table, and incorporating different resources, including Dark Essence, a key component in many of the recipes.

Other items you can use range from swords and talismans to special amulets that provide benefits such as keeping inventory upon death.

  1. Custom Enchantments and Crafting

This addition allows to create amulets and runes for weapon improvement, which makes them stronger and player have greater changes to survive.

Horror Survival addon minecraft

In order to stock these items and continue winning the game, you will use other recipes and materials not used in the preparation of this item. Always be creative and make sure that you have enough guns to fight off the crazy mobs.

  1. Dynamic Environment

Depending on the situation, the environment is altered to equal the horror experience felt in the Horror Survival Addon. These include the classic fog particle effects, day and night render fog and, of course, jump scares. These settings can be tuned so the change the levels of the horror, so the players can make it less scary or scarier to their liking.

  1. Spider Boss and other Famous Mobs

Among the mobs, there is Spider Boss (the Brood Mother), which I find is the scariest. There are also other mobs – for example, the Venom Spire, which is a creature with scary hands; the Grim Claw, which looks awful and moves creepy. These mobs appear quite often in night time which just amplifies the danger that exists when you travel in the game at night.

Additional Features

Other features of the Horror Survival addon Minecraft download include the ability to:

  • Toggle between day and night
  • Gain extra XP
  • Use special abilities like sneaking and breaking logs with an axe
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